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How to Add a Product in Shopify

If you want to show a product on sale in your store, then you need to insert the product’s original price here and new sale price in the “Price”:

Note: The value in "Compare at price"must be higher than the value in Price to show a sale price.

The SKU is the identification number of your product to keep your product unique: Add a Barcode number. This barcode number is mainly used for tracking your products or trade items in your store. Choose your Inventory policy. You can handle the inventory from Shopify itself:

a) Choosing “Don’t track inventory” tells Shopify to not track the inventory, which means there will be infinite items available to purchase.

b) Choosing “Shopify tracks this product’s inventory” tells Shopify to track the inventory and the product’s availability counter will decrease according to the purchase. Only the items which will be there in stock will be available to purchase. For this, you need to manually enter the product quantity available for purchase:

You may provide your customers with the option to purchase the products even if they are not in stock by selecting “Allow customers to purchase this product when it’s out of stock”:

The weight of the product will be helpful during the checkout process if your Shopify store charges taxes on products based on weight: Select or deselect “This product requires shipping” according to your item:

Note: The total weight usually expressed in kilograms of shipments, including the weight of moisture content, wrappings, crates, boxes, and containers (other than cargo vans and similar substantial outer containers).

How to Delete a Product in Shopify

Delete a variant

a) Deleted the entire Product Brands Click the "Filter Products", Next, select the "Product Vendor" and your brand you want to delete, then Click the "Add Filter"

Click the Checkbox to select all the products, Next is to click the "Edit Products", then, select the "Deleted selected products" and a confirmation pop-up windows will follow and you need to click "Delete" to verify your action:

Delete the entire product